October 26, 2020- Agenda & Minutes

Time:  10:30am
Location: Zoom invite sent to committee members. If anyone else would like to attend, please email Jen for details.
Items to be considered on this agenda are due by 10/12/2020

When available, the meeting minutes will be indicated within bold brackets [ ] and are in draft form until they are approved by the committee.

Relevant Links: Undergraduate Council Meeting Minutes/ Graduate Council Meeting Minutes

I. Call to Order [10:35AM]

II. Approval of the September 28, 2020 Meeting Minutes [Approved]

III. Announcements/Discussion

IV. Old Business

  • College Requirements for the BA Degree Update [The Registrar’s Office has stated that DegreeWorks can handle 7 or 8 credits for the Natural Science requirement in the College Requirements for the BA Degree section. Please notify Jen if you would like to add a footnote for your program in order to reduce the natural science credit requirement to 7 credits.]
  • BAM Policy Update [Jen notified the committee that the maximum of 90 credits for admission into the BAM has been lifted, changes to tuition charging has not been made, and while a specific statement about programs being able to have more stringent requirements will be added, as long as the BAM catalog entry states the requirements, the program’s requirements are valid.]
  • Grading Update [As a follow up to last month’s discussion, departments are allowed to not award students with certain grades (i.e. BIOL does not award C- grades and this is permissible).]
  • Curriculum Submissions Update
    • Course descriptions in syllabi [Each syllabus needs to have a course description.]
    • Robust justifications and syllabi attachments (including the “what” and the “why”), and syllabi attachments when helpful for supporting modifications (although always needed for new courses).
  • Crosslisting Culture [Where possible, let’s work on making crosslisting courses between departments few and far between. Instead, offer one course and direct students and program catalog entries to that one course. This does not apply to within-department undergrad and grad crosslists (i.e. CHEM 400 crosslisted with CHEM 600) Contact Jen if you’d like to discuss further.]
  • Program Outcomes* [New for the 2021-2022 catalog, we are encouraged to add program outcomes, which can now be placed in CIM. This will feed into the Digital diplomas that will be part of the catalog in 2022. Digital Diplomas are diplomas that employers can quickly access and see program outcomes.]

V. New Business – Undergraduate

New Courses

Modified Courses

Modified Programs

VI. New Business – Graduate

Modified Courses

Modified Programs

Adjournment [1:01pm]

*= item was added after the agenda was announced