October 2007 – Agenda & Minutes

Members Present: Geoff Birchard, Tim Born (chair), Dan Cox, Rick Diecchio, Robert Ellsworth, Igor Griva, Barry Haack, Dimitri Klimov, Barry Klinger, David Singman
Members Absent: Sheryl Beach, Peter Becker
Guests: John Wallin (CDS)

  1. Approval of the September 13th minutes:
    • Minutes were approved.
  2. Announcements and comments:
    • Dr. Born said that he will do his best to have quick and on topic meetings and to please be lenient on the rules of order.
      He also reminded that all submissions must only be from the committee representative or the department chair and that they must all go to Assad Khan (akhanf@gmu.edu).
      Substitutes are allowed to attend meetings but committee members must alert the chair that a substitute will be present prior to the meeting.
    • An announcement was made that all graduate courses and programs treated in the September meeting were on the agenda for the 10/17 Graduate Council meeting and passed.
    • Dr. Diecchio reported that both ASTR courses (103 and 302) were forwarded to the provost’s office for general education consideration and both BIOL courses (422 and 493) were forwarded to the registrar’s office.
    • Dr. Diecchio also asked whether BA requirements in COS should go through the curriculum committee or if a separate committee should be formed. It was decided that a separate committee be formed but the curriculum committee should treat it at the end.
  3. Old Business
    • NEUR 634 [Approved]There was one change in the course description about getting ready for graduate school needed to be deleted before going to Graduate Council.
    • BIOL HONORS PROGRAM [Approved]
  4. New Business
    • Graduate
      • NEUR 603 [Approved]
      • GEOG 650 [Approved]The original proposal was sent in with an electronic signature that showed agreement by the chair of ESGS. One change was required in the course relationship section where “this” needed to be changed to “these.”
    • Undergraduate
      • Minor in Computational and Data Sciences [Approved]A suggestion to add classes in FORTRAN was made
      • Minor in Conservation Biology [Tabled]Will be looked at by MMB and brought to the next meeting.

Download original PDF documents:
Agenda: October 2007
Minute: October 2007