April 1, 2022- Agenda & Minutes

Time:  9:30am
Location: Zoom invite sent to committee members. If anyone else would like to attend, please email Jen for details.
Items to be considered on this agenda are due by 3/18/2022

When available, the meeting minutes will be indicated within bold brackets [ ] and are in draft form until they are approved by the committee.

Relevant Links: Undergraduate Council Meeting Minutes/ Graduate Council Meeting Minutes

I. Call to Order [9:33AM]

II. Approval of the February 25, 2022 Meeting Minutes [Approved]

III. Announcements/Discussion

Notification of the Fall 2022 Offering of COS 602 Special Topics in Science: Title: Developing High Impact Research Questions. Offered by CDS and PSYC via cross listing. This course is being offered in response to a multidisciplinary NSF grant. Instructors: Rupp (PSYC), Kennedy (CDS), Rothman (CDS), Lopez (CDS). [The syllabus was shared post-meeting and no concerns were raised by the committee.]

IV. Old Business

V. New Business – Undergraduate

New Courses

Modified Courses

Deactivated Courses

New Programs

Modified Programs

VI. New Business – Graduate

New Courses

Modified Courses

Deactivated Courses

Modified Programs

VII. Adjournment [11:41AM]